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February 18, 2008

dinosaurs are extinct

lil lams reality-vision campaign welcomes
the lamotto of 2008

dinosaurs appeared some 200 million years ago.
sadly, some crazy catastrophic event led to their final extinction.

what's left today are fossils, recreations, and tall tall tales,
leaving the audience to ponder about its' ever existence.

one thing i've become certain of over the past years, months, weeks,
days, hours, minutes, and even up to this very second -

love is dead like dinosaurs. extinct!
but unlike dinosaurs there are no fossils or surviving proof of it.
only those tall tall tall tall tales of watchamacallit L@v3

lam @ real time


** i believe in love. i just dont believe it will happen to me **
hlam 10.20.08 12:33am